Join us during the 2020 Jorvik Viking Festival for our fringe events
Monday 17th February:

Jim Glazzard: If I had a hammer - Reconstructing the Viking Age metal worker’s workshop.
Jim Glazzard, experimental archaeologist, historical craftsman, and co-founder of Asgard, will talk about his recent research into non-ferrous metalworking practice in the Viking Age. Giving insight into the skills possessed by the smiths, and how they might have been learned and practiced.
7.30pm Tickets £5
Asgard, 14 Little Stonegate YO1 8AX
Tickets available in store. Ticket purchases are cash only
Tuesday 18th February
Robert Low: Vikings, Romans or even Tudors - the battles between history and fiction in historical fiction and how easy it is to miss the point of the spear completely.
Historical novelist, Robert lowe, author of the Oathsworn, Kingdom and Brothers of the Sand series, will give us his thoughts on creating the balance between history and fiction in the field of historical writing.
7.30pm Tickets £5
Asgard, 14 Little Stonegate YO1 8AX
Tickets available in store. Ticket purchases are cash only
Wednesday 19 February
Heri Joensen: Nordic folk melodies in Heavy Metal - a metalhead’s talk about the use of Nordic folk melodies dating back centuries.
Heri will discuss his introduction to Faroese and Nordic folk music, and to Heavy Metal, and how he goes about combining the two.
Heri grew up in the Faroe Islands, and has played Heavy Metal (on guitar) since he was 14 years old. he has had a passion for Faroese balladry for as long as he can remember.
Heri has released 10 albums with various bands and toured internationally for 20 years.
7.30pm Tickets £5
Asgard, 14 Little Stonegate YO1 8AX
Tickets available in store. Ticket purchases are cash only
Thursday 20th February
Sean Parry: Art in Viking-age York.
Sean Parry is the founder and lead tattoo artist of Sacred Knot Tattoo based in Llandudno. As an artist, Sean is inspired by history, both in the myths and stories of Northern and Western European cultures as well as the historical artefacts they left behind. He will be talking about the artistic influences of Viking age York some of his ideas about the culture behind them.
7.30pm Tickets £5
Asgard, 14 Little Stonegate YO1 8AX
Tickets available in store. Ticket purchases are cash only
Sunday 16th February to Friday 21st February
Drop into the shop between 10.30am and 12pm for a free viking nalbinding demonstration. No need to book.
Asgard, 14 Little Stonegate, York, YO1 8AX
07389 184911
Saturday 15th February to Sunday 23rd February
Asgard will also be running daily Viking-age metalworking demonstrations as part of the Viking encampment in Parliament street York.
Jim will be demonstrating Viking-age silver and copper alloy working, showing how jewellery and other everyday objects used by the Viking-age inhabitants of York were made.
Jim will once again be joined by Crtomir Lorencic, experimental archaeologist and iron working specialist, who will be demonstrating the manufacturing of viking-age iron objects, and, specially for this year, the production of steel.